Sahil greets Anika and says I think you made many dishes. She says yes, take this khichdi, its not for you, but for Shivaye, his stomach is upset, wait a min, isn’t this Shivaye’s watch. He says Shivaye has given this to me, when he was distributing gifts to everyone. She says its costly, you should have refused. He says I refused, but I had to keep it when he insisted. He goes. Dadi says Gauri and Bhavya aren’t helping Anika in kitchen. Bhavya says we wanted to help, but she wanted to prepare everything alone. Rudra says its a surprise. Sahil says all the dishes are ready, she has made khichdi for Shivaye because of his upset stomach.

Rudra asks did this happen because of our energy drink. Dadi asks what’s that. She asks Khanna about it. Khanna says I got the red coloured juice from kitchen. Dadi says now I understand where the drink with the laxative went. Shivaye says you mixed laxatives in my drink. Rudra says it was Om’s mistake. Shivaye runs after them. They laugh. Rudra says its because of Khanna. Dadi says you ruined his wedding night, Jamaalgota/laxative drugs on the wedding night. Dadi says after many years, I m seeing my family happy. Shivaye asks where is Priyanka. Priyanka says I m here. Anika comes and says breakfast is ready. They all see Priyanka holding Rajiv’s hand. Shivaye asks what’s all this, who is he. She says he is Rajiv, I thought of introducing him to everyone today, Rajiv and I want to marry each other. Everyone gets shocked.
Rudra asks what. Shivaye says you think we will get you married to him, we don’t know about him, who are his parents, what’s his background. Rajiv says I work at a call centre as a customer care representative. Shivaye asks really.
Rudra says no, he is a gold digger, he wants to marry a rich girl and become rich. She says if someone is poor, it doesn’t mean he is a gold digger, the ones you have married also come from middle class families, are they also gold diggers. Dadi asks is this any way to talk to them. Priyanka says if they can marry the one they love, why can’t I marry my love, is this because I m a girl, I m saying the truth, I can understand Dadi and Shivaye’s anger, why are you interfering in my personal life, you aren’t my real brothers. Shivaye raises hand. Anika stops him. Dadi slaps Priyanka. Priyanka says I could have eloped and married, but I came home, I thought my three brothers will understand my love but I was wrong. She asks Shivaye how can you stop me, you didn’t even ask Anika before marrying her. Shivaye shouts enough, a word more and I will forget that you are my sister. She asks Rajiv to get out.

Khanna takes Rajiv out. Priyanka says he is a nice guy, stop. Shivaye asks her not to take a step ahead. She cries and goes to her room. Nani asks did any of you know about Priyanka and Rajiv. Gauri says we didn’t get a chance to talk to her. Bhavya says she wasn’t at home most of the times. Shivaye says its my mistake, I didn’t pay attention, I never thought what she is going through. Khanna gets the audit report file. Shivaye says not now, I will check later. Sahil asks shall I check it if you don’t mind. Anika asks him not to interfere. Sahil says I m trying to help, as I m a commerce student. Shivaye gives the file and says its okay Anika, he will learn.
Priyanka ruins her room. Shivaye and everyone run. He asks Priyanka will Rajiv be able to keep you happy and give you the comforts. Priyanka says like I m happy here, you went to jail, Anika went to free you, Dadi went to ashram, Omru were managing the company, did anyone think of me, I used to party and stay out of the house all night, nobody was bothered, just Rajiv understood my loneliness, his love has kept me alive, nobody understands.
She gets Rajiv’s call and doesn’t answer. She says when you didn’t care for me for years, why do you come to do drama now. Shivaye says I can answer you, but you can’t understand it right now. She asks him to just leave, leave her alone. Anika asks Shivaye to come. Dadi says she will understand once she makes a mistake. They leave. Anika comes to Sahil. She says everyone is worried and you are listening to loud music. He puts on headphones. She asks where did you get these, its costly. He says Shivaye gifted this. She asks what happened to him, he is spoiling you. He says please, its not costly for him, don’t tell him, he is already worried. She says don’t listen to songs all day. He says relax, I m preparing audit reports for Shivaye. She says fine and goes.
Shivaye thinks of Priyanka and breaks a vase. Anika comes. He says I m sorry. She says its okay, its just a glass. He says I couldn’t manage relations, I couldn’t keep Priyanka happy, she yearned for a dear one and started considering outsiders as her own. He says sorry, it was your first rasoi today and it got spoiled, I m not able to give you happiness. She says don’t blame yourself for everything, a ceremony isn’t imp than my family, we all are with you, we will find some solution. They hug. Gauri says Priyanka didn’t eat anything since morning, we will insist her to eat. Bhavya takes the food. Omru look on. Om asks for Priyanka. Rudra says she doesn’t eat without curd. Om gives the curd and says she may refuse, insist her to eat. Rudra says talk some sense into her. Gauri and Bhavya come to Priyanka.
Priyanka cries and packs clothes. Anika comes. They ask what are you doing. Priyanka says I m going to Rajiv’s house. Anika says we aren’t your enemies, we want your happiness and betterment, you gave them a shock, its obvious that we react like this, give some time to Shivaye. Priyanka says I know, but what was the need to punish Rajiv, they ousted Rajiv, I love him a lot. She cries. Anik says crying won’t get any solution, have something first. Priyanka throws the food. Shivomru look on. Shivaye says if you are behaving bad with family because of that guy, it means that guy is wrong. She says you are wrong, not Rajiv, you judge people by their bank balance.
Priyanka calls Shivaye wrong. Shivaye and Om leave. Rudra says we can’t help if anyone loses mind, don’t request her, she will have food if she feels hungry, come on, Bhavya. He takes Anika, Bhavya and Gauri out. He locks the door and says this is the only way to stop her. Anika says this isn’t any solution. He says I know her, she will get adamant at first but agree later. Sahil calls Khanna. He says I want accounts book of Oberoi pharmaceuticals. Khanna says sorry, just Shivaye can check that, its Shivaye’s rules. Sahil says its not bad to change rules with time, your work is to follow orders, go now. Khanna says I just follow Shivaye’s orders. Sahil says I m Shivaye’s brother in law, go and get accounts book, your habit is to tell everything to Shivaye, he is much worried for Priyanka, no need to disturb him. Khanna nods and goes.
Anika says Shivaye and Priyanka are alike, they didn’t have food and medicines. Anika comes to Priyanka. She sees the food tray. She asks Priyanka to have food. Priyanka asks do you think I m doing wrong. Anika says love isn’t wrong, but leaving all relations for one is wrong, have food, else your brothers won’t have food, I promise I will try to convince Shivaye. Shivaye asks someone to get Rajiv’s details. Anika says I want to talk about Priyanka, she loves Rajiv, for the sake of her happiness, we must give him a chance, she may end up doing wrong in anger. Shivaye says she is my sister, knowing that guy is wrong, how shall I agree. She says meet him once, maybe he is a nice guy, she will be glad that you gave him a chance, she was heartbroken because of Daksh, please give a chance to Rajiv. He says fine if you are saying, I will give him a chance.
She asks him to have food. He asks did Priyanka have food. She says yes. She feeds him food. He thanks her for support. Rudra shouts to him. They rush. Rudra says Priyanka has run away. They get shocked. Everyone tries to find Priyanka. Nani says don’t know why did she do this. Dadi says she has lost her mind. Rudra shouts to Shivaye. He says I have asked her friends, she is nowhere. Shivaye says where do I find her. Om says maybe she went to Rajiv, call the investigator and ask for info. Shivaye calls and asks Sanket to find out about Rajiv. Om says you locked the door right. Rudra says yes, but the door was open. Shivaye asks who opened the door. Anika says I did, I fed food to her and forgot to lock the door. Shivaye says its imp thing, she has run away because of you, Rajiv provoked her to run away, that’s why I told you, that guy isn’t right for my sister, if anything happens to her, I won’t forgive you.
Shivaye recalls Priyanka and says what happened to you, you always took my advice, you didn’t feel the need to ask me before taking your life’s big decision. Anika gets medicines for him. He throws the glass and asks Anika to just go. She says I didn’t marry you to leave you alone in problems, its my mistake, I forgot, I can’t think of locking up someone. He says you think I m liking it, Rudra did this for a reason, you have seen the result now. She asks how long can you lock her up, she loves Rajiv, we can’t stop her. He says she loved Daksh before, she loves a wrong guy even now. She says I know what Priyanka means to you, just you can get her back. He says sorry Anika, I vented all my anger on you. She says if I have right on your love, I have right even on your anger. Shivaye gets Sanket’s call. He says great, I got Rajiv’s address, I will get Priyanka. Om says we will come along. Shivaye says no, stay here, take care of Nani and Dadi, I will call you when I get any info. He comes to Rajiv’s house and finds it locked. He asks a man about Rajiv. The man says yes, he stays here. Shivaye says but his house is locked.
The man says yes, he left some time back, a girl was with him. Shivaye says she was Priyanka, where did they go. He gets Priyanka’s message… I m marrying. He calls Om.Priyanka is at the temple. Rajiv asks her to come. She says I m thinking of Shivaye, he is like my parent, if I marry against his wish, his heart will break. He says I don’t want to force you, you can go home, Shivaye won’t let us meet again. She says you know I love you, so I have come here to marry you.
He says we have to give a name to this relation, else we can’t stay together. She holds his hand. Shivaye comes there and shouts Priyanka…. He asks her to come home. She says I love Rajiv. Shivaye scolds Rajiv. Rajiv says you can’t take Priyanka this way. Shivaye pushes him. Priyanka asks are you hurt Rajiv. Everyone comes.
Shivaye says Om, manage Priyanka, I will see him. Priyanka says stop there else… She shows the poison bottle and threatens them. They all ask her not to be mad. She says its better to die than living without Rajiv. Shivaye says don’t do this. She says I will drink this poison. Anika says we can talk. Priyanka says you have insulted my Rajiv and locked me up. Rudra says I locked you for your betterment. Anika says I know my betterment, I will decide about my life. They ask her to stop. Priyanka and Anika sit for the marriage. Dadi says let it be Billu, more poison is filled in her mind, she won’t agree. Shivaye asks shall I see her life getting ruined. Anika says she will understand when she listens to someone. Shivaye says she thinks Rajiv is a nice guy, if we prove that Rajiv isn’t good, she may change her decision. He calls to ask about Rajiv. He asks Jai Kothari… He says Rajiv worked at Jai’s place. Rudra says he won’t help us. Anika asks who is Jai Kothari, tell us.

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