Piya looks fireflies in a glass box. Ansh says these helped me to find you. Piya smiles and says I remember. Piya says we are staying at Ruby’s place? Ruby comes there and asks if they are comfortable? Piya thanks her. Ansh thanks her for giving place. Ruby says you will both be safe here, you both made me realize power of love, I will bring something to eat. She leaves.

Vedsheree and family prays for Piya.

Piya lights diya in her room with Ansh. Diya lights in Vedsheree’s mandir only. Flashback shows how Piya told her that she wont tell her where they are going, she gives her diya and says we will light it daily at our place and it will light here as well so you will know we are fine. Flashback ends. Lift opens and Mohana comes in house. Vedsheree glares at her.

Saanvi and Naman comes on road and sees a place with flag on it. Naman says that place is safe for Piya and Ansh. Saanvi sees person in black and leaves from there.
Vedsheree says to Mohana that you will never know where Ansh and Piya are. Mohana says Ansh and I have blood relation so as soon as his blood drops on floor, I will know where he is so have some sweets. She forcefully makes her eat it.

Ansh is cutting apple for Piya when his hand gets cut mistakenly. His blood drops on floor. Piya comes there and says its bleeding a lot. Ansh stops her and shows how he cleaned his wound. He asks her to take care of herself.

Mohana hears Ansh’s blood drip and says he called me. She leaves from there. Vedsheree says Mohana knows about them now.

Saanvi says to Naman that I was not feeling right about that house, you are an idiot. Naman says you dont respect me, I am your partner. Saanvi asks him to move.

Vedsheree says we cant tell them that Mohana is coming behind them. Shekhar says we cant even contact them. Avi says I should have gone behind Mohana. Chitali says what to do now? Vedsheree recalls how Piya told her to use diya if there is some danger and she wants to tell them.

Piya shows house map to Ansh and says I used to live there, we can go there, Mohana wont be able to come there. It after a river and mandir, this is near river.

Vedsheree puts black oil in diya so it can signal Piya about danger.

Piya sees diya turning black at her end and says we are in danger.

Mohana jumps in their house but finds Ruby there. Mohana asks her to move, you cant save them, remember what I did with you? Ruby says you have to face me before going to Ansh and Piya. They both start fighting.

Piya and Ansh comes on rood. Ansh says Mohana wont reach our baby. Piya holds Ansh, they start flying in air. Mohana comes on roof after fighting Ruby and sees Piya and Ansh flying in air. She jumps infront of them. She says your death is here. Piya says move away before I kill you. Ansh says I will forget who you are if you try to hurt my wife or heir. Mohana says I am your mother so I can kill you three. Piya says I am a wife and you dont know about my powers. Mohana says its time to go to your God. She is about to attack but Ruby comes there and grabs Mohana. Ruby asks Ansh and Piya to run, I cant stop more, go. Piya grabs Ansh, they jump from there. Mohana gets free from Ruby.

Saanvi comes to witch room. Naman says why you brought me here? Saanvi says wait. Naman says I dont know what is happening. Suddenly Saanvi is missing.

Piya is trying to call Saanvi but she doesnt pick up. Someone is dragging faint Saanvi from house.

Mohana comes on roof and sends blood ball to find Ansh.

Ansh and Piya are in jungle. Ansh is thirsty but says I have to keep water safe for you and baby. Piya says my happiness with you.

Mysterious man hides Saanvi’s body in house. Ganga says brother food is ready.

Mohana come sin jungle following ball. Ansh hears Mohana coming and ends fire. He says lets go and runs with Piya.

Saanvi wakes up and tries to come out of casket. She takes knife from leg.

Mohana says they are running but till when?
Ansh and Piya are running from Mohana’s ball. Ansh asks her to leave, this smoke ball is telling our location to Mohana. Mohana sees them running and smirks.

Saanvi cuts ropes around her, she comes out of casket and hides in house. She 

starts leaving but says I will handle this man later. She starts leaving but mysterious man comes there.

Ansh sees Mohana coming near them. He says to Piya that I wont let anything happen to you. Mohana comes infront of them.

Saanvi is running from man. He comes infront of her on road.

Mohana says to Piya that I wont spare you today. Ansh stands infront of Piya and says you have to cross me before going to her. Mohana tries to attack him but Nishant comes there and grabs her. Piya smiles seeing him. He hides behind and hints Piya and Ansh to leave. They leave.

Man grabs Saanvi and makes her dizzy. She follows him.

Nishant says to Piya that we have to run before Mohana comes behind us. Ansh says she is following us because of me, Nishant says he has blood relation with her so she can find him anywhere. Ansh says I have a solution.

Naman comes to Saanvi in house and says where were you? you came to help Piya. Saanvi says I was not here? then where was I?

Ansh says to Piya that we have to separate till our baby is born. Piya says you are going to leave your baby? Ansh says this is the only solution, I am fulfilling promise to protect you and baby.

Mohana twirls and frees herself from Nishant’s trap.

Nishant leaves Piya and Ansh alone. Piya cries and hugs Ansh. Humdard plays. Ansh moves away from her. They both try to leave but run to each other. Piya kisses his face. Ansh kisses her forehead. Rain falls on them. Ansh moves away from her. She cries and tries to stop him but he leaves. Piya weeps. She turns around to leave.

Family is worried about Ansh and Piya. Vedsheree says we shouldnt have let them go. Rishi says I am sure they are safe. Shekhar says Nishant is not here too. Neha shows her diya burning. Vedsheree says it means they are safe.

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